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Artifact: Journal of Design Practice (Apr 2019)

Artifact: Journal of Design Practice (Apr 2019)

Website: Artifact
Deadline for submissions: 1 April 2019

Artifact: Journal of Design Practice is an open access scholarly journal that publishes double-blind peer-reviewed design research broadly concerned with examining the nature of, developments in, and understandings of design practices.

Design research is rapidly becoming a knowledge-intensive field characterized by an overwhelming scholarly interest in design�s many interfaces. These range from the role of design in solving complex societal problems to enhancing the sustainability and profitability of businesses across industries and geographies. Against this backdrop, the journal provides an outlet for researchers across disciplines and research approaches and encourages contributions from diverse perspectives that examine practices related to traditional and the emerging new activities of design, professions of design, and organizational uses of design. Moreover, the journal aims to reflect recent decades� substantial transformation of the field of design research with contributions that touch on design practices from a broad spectrum of scientific fields such as semiotics, design semantics, critical discourse analysis, science and technology studies, design(erly) thinking, management, organization, and material history.

For the upcoming journal issue, we invite manuscripts that may engage with any of the following themes (but not limited to):

  • Theoretical and conceptual perspectives on the nature of current and future design practices.
  • Theoretical and empirical inquiries into the nature and understandings of design practices.
  • The role of design practice in shaping and realizing entrepreneurial processes and/ or strategies.
  • The role of design practice in relation to societal or organizational change, innovation and value creation from a competitive, financial, social or sustainability perspective.

Broad questions that may be considered in this regard are:

  • Is it possible to limit domain-specific bodies of professional knowledge and authorized procedures of design?
  • What are the roles of classical design disciplines such as craft-based design, graphic design, industrial design, etc. in relation to the growing interest in the concept of �design thinking�?
  • In a time where the boundaries between professional design fields tend to blur, does it any longer make sense to talk about a professional design practice, rather than many ways of practicing design?

Submission guidelines
Prospective authors should ensure their papers follow the Artifact: Journal of Design Practice author guidelines and Intellect Style Guide.

Deadline for submissions: 1 April 2019

All submission must include a signed Open Access publishing agreement giving us your permission to publish your paper should it be accepted by our peer review panel. Artifact: Journal of Design Practice does not charge APCs or submission charges.

For questions regarding submission procedures or any additional information please contact editor-in-chief, Nicky Nedergaard, nned@kadk.dk.
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