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17th Reinventing Space Conference - RISpace 2019 (Nov 2019, Belfast, Northern Ireland)

17th Reinventing Space Conference - RISpace 2019 (Nov 2019, Belfast, Northern Ireland)

Dates: 12-14 November 2019
Location: International Convention Centre, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Website: RISpace
Deadline for submissions: 24 June 2019

The focus of the 2019 conference will be on the novel applications that are becoming commercially viable as space technology improves. These include space traffic control, space tourism, in-orbit servicing, debris removal and exploitation,  real-time video from space, space mining and more.

Papers are invited for topics including:-

Near Earth Activities Papers are invited on the new services and commercial opportunities that are under development for our Near Earth Environment. From mega-constellations that will deliver global high-speed internet to on-orbit servicing and commercial debris removal missions, commercial expansion of our Near Earth Environment has great potential over the upcoming years.

Access to Space Papers are invited on the new vehicles, technologies and operational concepts that are radically reducing the cost to reach orbit. Small launchers, reusability and commercial rideshare partnerships, all promise to open up the space frontier and will be the focus of this session.

Space Situational Awareness This new session was introduced in 2018 and discusses the various issues around space debris and its mitigation.

Enabling Technologies Fundamental to a number of the new commercial opportunities are technology breakthroughs. Laser communications, cubesat propulsion, solar sails, on-board advanced data processing all promise to deliver enhance the performance of the next generation satellites.

Commercialisation and Applications As important as the technology which is driving the development of space, are the new and innovative business plans which are being adopted by new and established space companies. This session invites papers from new start-ups, companies with a bold new commercial vision and those with new market predictions/forecasts.

Beyond Earth Orbit This session will explore the plans to expand beyond Earth orbit, both for exploration and exploitation of new resources. Resources from the moon, Mars and Near Earth Asteroids all have great promise for the terrestrial economy and space propulsion, but what are the stepping stones to achieve this? Prospecting missions, commercial prizes, institutional partnerships, are all of interest.

See the website for further information.
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